People continue to buy more and more decorations each year. Why? I love Christmas and I love decorating my home but I try to keep the decorations simple. I want my decorations to become meaningful and traditional. I can't change my decor each year, I want it to become classic and timeless for my family. I want my family to one day look back at our quirky Christmas tree with the same old ornaments we have used for the last 13 years of our marriage. I want the things in my home to be simple and ours. I don't want to continue adding things and stuff just because.
Gifts are so much fun to give but people get crazy! Am I alone on this? 30 presents under the tree for each child that you have? seems a bit excessive to me. I know I sound super "judgy" right now but hear me out. I love handmade gifts. One of my favorite things about Christmas is that my mom usually makes us all a handmade gift. I look forward to it. It isn't in the store, there aren't 5,000 of those things being sold. It is meaningful and it's valued more than any store bought item.
What's even crazier is that people are out AFTER Christmas buying more "STUFF". Oh my goodness, we a small family of 4 produce so much trash in one day! I don't know what I would do with more extra "STUFF" and things. More to keep track of and clean up I guess.
I love the idea of giving 2 gifts to each of my kids. They end up with more because of family and friends, but really I hate the idea of giving my kids a bunch of presents that will no longer be fun or interesting a month from now. I certainly have the Charlie Brown syndrome every Christmas. "They've gone commercial!" I hope I don't sound like a Grinch. (as much as I love him)
I do still love Christmas and I try my best to slow it all down, keep it simple, intentional and meaningful at home each year. After all,it is all about Jesus and knowing that he came to bring us HOPE for our future.
What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? What are some things that can get you a bit overwhelmed during this season? How do you keep the focus on Jesus? I would love to hear from you.
I will end this very long ramble with this adorable picture of the kids.
I hope that your Christmas was a fun one!