Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring Break and Snow

When my husband suggested that we visit Sequoia National Park and Yosemite for spring break I wasn't too thrilled.  I was really content spending a few days at our community pool or perhaps visiting one of our local beaches.  The more he talked about taking our family up to the mountains though, the more I began to desire to be around them.  I am so glad we went! This was my favorite place.  I fell in love with Sequoia, the forest seemed to be enchanted. 

The redwoods were covered in moss and it was such a lovely thing to see among the beautiful snow covered ground.  It was a treat for us to enjoy the snow since we didn't get to during the winter.  
My littlest adventure seeker enjoyed every moment.  She sloshed around in her snow gear and I tried to capture it all in my mind but also on my camera.  
 Sam made a football shaped snowball and had a blast throwing it back and fourth with his dad.  
It was such a fun way to begin our visit to Sequoia.  I was not a fan of the altitude and the slight snow storm we drove through to get to the top.  It was worth it though.  
Once we were nice and frozen we headed back down the mountain to find a warm place to eat and to seek out adventure near a small river we spotted on our way up. 
We had lunch and this was the view out of our window.  So lovely!
I kept singing.."We're going down to the river, down to the river, down to the river to pray"  just because I am cheesy that way.  They liked it.  I think.  

There was a suspension bridge to cross one side of the river.  My people were brave and went across, I stayed behind safely behind my camera lens.  
Look! proof that I was there.  I loved that everything was such a different and bright shade of GREEN!  All the rain we have had lately sure did this land good.  
I need Jacaranda tree's in my yard now.  I am in love.  Spring break and snow, I am now a fan! 

Friday, March 10, 2017

* Friday Science *

Today the kids wanted to work on a new science experiment.  We decided to try turning milk into plastic.  We found this science experiment from a pin on Pinterest.  

Supplies needed;  milk, vinegar, measuring cup, measuring spoon, strainer and some paper towels. 

1.  Heat milk for 1 1/2 minutes
2.  Stir in 4 table spoons of Vinegar for 1 minute into the milk 
3.  Strain milk
4.  Pat it dry with a paper towel and let it sit out for 24 hours  

Here is Samara pouring the vinegar in to a cup.  
 Sam stirred the vinegar into the milk for one minute.  
This is how the milk looks when you strain it.  The protein and fat from the milk has been separated by the acid in the Vinegar.  
 The last step is to pat the "plastic milk" dry on a paper towel to make sure that there is no liquid left.  
We are curious to see how this will look and feel tomorrow.  You can also add food coloring to it during this step.  I would love to know if you have tried this before or will be trying it out with your kiddos.  Thanks for reading!