Tuesday, August 14, 2012

* Mulan Madness *

Samara has been obsessed with watching the Mulan movie since last year.  She mentioned to me(last year)that she would like to have a Mulan themed birthday party.  (I for sure thought she would change her mind).

NOPE! Her birthday is 3 weeks away and the Mulan madness has begun.  It's very difficult finding things in a movie theme let alone a movie that came out in the 1990's!! Anyway we have been lucky and have found a few things here and there but mainly I am making everything for her party from scratch.  The other day I watched a tutorial on how to make Mushu and it came out okay, I think I will make it my "please recycle" sign! ha ha

First checked items on the list include:  two big birthday banners that says Happy Birthday written in Chinese Characters.  Two giant cherry blossom tree's that the kids and I made together so they are cute and totally child like.  I have purchased all the decorations mainly Chinese decor such as Chinese lanterns and paper umbrellas.  I also ordered take out boxes so that I can make those the "goodie bags".

The cake will be a Mulan cake that my mom is working on and I don't doubt she will do a great job.  We are also going to do a craft with the kids making their own Cherry Blossom Tree's.

I need to start working on centerpieces this week, they will be small vases (home made) filled with Cherry blossom flowers.  I'm super excited and can't wait until her 3rd birthday party.

We even have a friend who is willing to be our "Mulan" for the party if I can find a costume to borrow or rent at a decent price.  I looked into purchasing one and they are over $175 dollars for an adult Mulan costume, that is craziness!!

I love throwing parties and being creative so that the parties don't end up costing a million dollars, I know some people get carried away but I like to stick to my budget and still make it cute and memorable.

I love hearing Samara sing "Who is that girl I see, staring right back at me?" ha ha It's super cute and she love loves Mulan.

Oh and I'm super thrilled because I got her Mulan 2 and a cute vanity for her birthday.  

Thank goodness the Mulan Madness is all fun stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Que linda mama que SOS nena , y que dicha que tenes un esposo que no te cuestiona nada de nada de lo que haga con tus nenes, y que bendición que tenes la tecnología de ahora para que ellos cuando lo vean se recuerden de esos momentos lindos con vos. Me alegra mucho y te felicito. Te ama tu mami.
