Monday, March 10, 2014

* What is Love? *

Love is patient, Love is know that verse.  It was probably said at your wedding or you have heard it said at a wedding.

The truth is that LOVE, REAL LOVE is unconditional.  I think sometimes we put a value on how much we love someone without really meaning to.

You see I'm guilty as charged.  It's so easy to base how much you love someone on how they treat you, what they do or don't do and what they say or don't say.  It's human nature I guess.

As God followers though we are to be the salt of this earth.  That means we do not look like or act like anyone that isn't whole heartedly following after Jesus.  He's called us to be like Him and being like Him means we give grace, show compassion and guess what else? Love UNCONDITIONALLY.  He's loved us this way our entire lives.  I can't even count how many times I may have disappointed God but yet he LOVES me. 

Today I am reminded that through thick or thin, good times in bad LOVE must remain.  It's a choice and it's not a feeling. Nobody said that it would be easy either but I know that God honors us when we choose to do the right thing and NOT base showing love and grace based on emotions.

My prayer is for God to allow me to love unconditionally without any selfish agendas.  No matter how I feel, no matter what the situation.  I want to shine for Him and radiate his beauty and his compassion.  

I have a choice to make.  I can forgive and show compassion or I can hold bitterness and show hate.  I choose to radiate Jesus through me and only by Him can I make it each day, only by Him can love flow out of my life and into other's lives.  Only by Him can I walk confident and knowing that I am God's treasure and I do not need to be validated by another person on this earth when I know GOD loves me, GOD is looking out for me and GOD created me in His image.  

I love the song "Oceans" by Hillsongs

My favorite part of the song says:  I am yours and you are mine.  

It's an intimate reminder of how special I (we) are all to God.  

My soul rests in His embrace and I trust in Him.  

Thankful for His Grace.   

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