Tuesday, September 23, 2014

* I am enough *

A few days ago my husband came home with a bag of Pepperidge Farm pumpkin cheesecake cookies and the movie "Mom's night out".  He loves me!

I had already watched the movie in the theater but I wanted to watch it again with my man.  He patiently sat through all the parts he probably did not identify with as much and just watched it with me. 

The whole point of the movie is about knowing we (as in mother's) are enough.  We are enough because God's made us in his perfect image.  Simple right?  then why do we over analyze everything that we do or don't do as mothers?  Why do we fall trap to the enemy lies of thinking we are failing? 

There is not a single mom in this entire world that is completely perfect.  There is no single HUMAN in this world that is perfect. 

Today and always I want to be the best version of myself.  I want to focus on those gifts and abilities God has given me to raise my children and give Him all the glory for it.  I want to be confident in the things I do as a mother.  I want to trust that the path I am walking, He has walked it before me.  He equips me with everything I need. 

Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

God equips me (YOU) with each and everyone of these and we can apply them to our role as mothers knowing we are doing our best.  Even when we make mistakes and fall short, even on those long days when exhaustion takes over and we haven't changed out of our yoga pants since the morning!  God's love and grace meets us where we are, he let's us start over and begin again.  He sweetly whispers to us "You are enough." 

I am entrusted to lead and teach these little treasures and I am so thankful that I am not alone.  Thank you Jesus for your mercy and love.  Thank you for the everyday grace you show to us.  I am so thankful for these treasures of mine.  Aren't they cute?


  1. Wow nena! Lindas palabras de encouragement! That was so sweet of Carlos.
    Sos una gran mujer y una linda mami. ��♥️.. Y mis tesoros son bellos.

  2. That was awesome! Thanks for the encouragement Andrea!
