Hey mama! It's almost teacher appreciation week! I'd like to think that all of us mom's are in many ways our child's first teacher. We are the ones who spend time carefully and slowly sounding out "mama" so our sweet baby can repeat and say their first big important word. We teach our children manners, faith, compassion, to be respectful and to be advocates for themselves.
As a home-schooling mama, I can appreciate the phrase "Teaching Tiny Humans is Exhausting." I have to find humor in the sometimes chaos that proceeds home-schooling. On a good day, I have planned and prepped all that we are going to be working on and everyone stays on task. Some days I seriously just wing it and hope for the best. Whether you home school your little's or send them off to school, YOU mama are always their number one teacher. I'd say the most important teacher they have! YOU will teach them those life skills and how to be good humans.
Mom teachers and school teachers, our jobs are important. What we teach matters. It's exhausting and rewarding all at the same time. Let's take some time to appreciate all the teachers in the life of our children, including ourselves mama's. How cute are these teacher gifts and travel mugs from The Mom Culture?
To all the teachers teaching in a classroom, to the mama's who home-school and to all the mama's who teach the ultimate life skills, we are in this together!
You are good mommy and teacher! Tus nenes son muy bendecidos por tener una buena mamá. TAM ������