I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to lately. It could be because I was sick for a good chunck of time and then my kids (how dare they) decided to get sick also.
All is well in the western front now though! We are back to normal (as normal can be) and ready for our adventures.
Some of which include; a fun Easter egg hunt at Harveston park, a visit to a local Strawberry Farm, visiting parks and digging in the sand, doing art, learning about bugs (this is the fascination lately with both of my kids) and reading ofcourse.
I still haven't heard from the Innovation Center in regards to Samuel attending Kindergarten there. I think that sometime next week is when we find out. It's in God's hands and I completely trust Him.
I am planning an E-waste event along side another person from Church. I am excited because it's the day before "EARTH DAY" and it will be a combination of a recycle take care of the earth type event AND an outreach because we will be telling people about our Church and Jesus. How cool is that? I read somewhere that EARTH without ART is just EH. I love it!
On another note, I wanted to write about some of the cute stuff the kids have been saying and I don't want to forget.
Samuel today made a sign that is supposed to mean "No spiders allowed" he drew a spider then a red circle with a line through it on top of it. This is so spiders do not come into our house of course.
After watching the Prince of Egypt for the first time Samuel told me that he had been chosen by Jesus. He was very excited and then he told me that Samara and I were chosen too. He was very serious about this and it filled my heart with joy.
He always gets excited when he get's to eat "Macawallie" (AKA Guacamole)
The other day when Carlos got home Samuel was working on a puzzle, without looking up he causally said "Hi Handsom" as his daddy walked into the living room. Too cute!
Samara told me that I could throw away all her toys, (this one wasn't so cute at all) I then had to grab a "clean" trash bag and pretend to throw them out. It did NOT face her at all. TWO HOURS Later I asked "would you like to get a chance to get your toys back and not get thrown in the trash" to that she replied "yes". Oh man do I have my hands full with that one.
Samara is my little artist, she takes art very seriously and does not want any help especially when it comes to painting. I love that curly haired, stubborn and beautiful girl.
Below is a picture of Samuel holding up his "No spiders allowed sign" He melts my heart.

I need to make a sign that reads "No dust bunnies allowed" it's worth a shot.
Tan bello y su imaginacion.