Wednesday, April 11, 2012

* Praying *

It seems as if lately I am inundated with personal prayer requests. I usually do have things I need to ask the Lord direction for and I am praying about but recently it feels like "major" things are occurring and I really need more guidance than ever.

There has been some unnecessary drama with my husbands side of the family, I have some concerns regarding Samara and x-rays, Samuel has an infection, and I'm praying for wisdom and direction in regards to new friendships. It can all be so overwhelming but I am so thankful I can pray and believe in Jesus who hears me first of all AND responds to my prayers.

I am reminded of this: "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." God's right hand! I have to hold on to that and know that he is in control and be reminded that he is taking care of us. In the midst of my worry God's hand is always with us and our Children are covered in his blood.

I'm thankful to know Jesus and to be able to walk boldly and not feel defeated even in these times where I could easily fall apart. Thank you Jesus that I don't walk alone and thank you for the restoration that is taking place within my own family as well as my husbands.

I have to now share some of the sweet things the kids have said this week:

Samara keeps saying "Thank you mommy, every time she sees me doing laundry or putting her clothes away." It's really sweet of her to thank me when I keep her stuff clean.

Samuel told me that when someone is lying they are "Sid" ha ha I think he means "It is Sin" he is too cute. Right now as I work he is sharpening all his pencils because he is getting ready for school. (4 months away).

God is good and I'm drawing near to him through everything and I know that he has something BIG Planned for us. AMEN!

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