We camped officially for 3 days and 2 nights. It wasn't so bad at all. Here is a picture of the kids having their smores.
Samuel kept telling us that he really wanted to help build the "fire court" a.k.a "fire pit". He had a blast helping his uncle Marco and daddy build the fire, roast some hot dogs and then roast yummy marshmallows. Even Samara enjoyed roasting them on a stick, she didn't seem to mind at all sleeping inside the tent either.
I know we all enjoyed this trip and even though we didn't have the best shower conditions and didn't have a sink to wash dishes in, it was a pleasant experience.
I really do look forward to our yearly camping trips with the kids and as they get older and can learn and do more things, I believe they will enjoy it more also.
My favorite part about the whole trip was our walk along the beach. We looked at rocks and sea urchins and picked up some treasures along the way. Here is a picture of us on our beach walk with the kids.
we had a cute little path covered in flowers and to the right of us was the ocean a perfect little walk and adventure for the little guys.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't wait until our next camping trip!
Me alegra tanto eso nena, pues se que eso van a ser buenos recuerdos para vos y los niños. :)