I've heard people say "The minute you think that you are in control you are in trouble." I know what this means. It means that you need to check in and make sure that your still submitting everything unto the Lord and that we are not in control of our lives but really God is.
CONTROL: The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events
That is the basic definition. It defines a little part of me. I know I'm a control freak and in no way do I think it is terribly bad. I realize that at this point in my life as I mature, and grow in my walk and relationship with God things are getting a bit more clear in this matter for me. I know that having "POWER TO INFLUENCE" is great the question is What kind of influence?
I don't want to be the bossy mean lady barking things left and right at people/family in order to get things done according to my standards. I want to learn to be more of an inspirational leader who sees the unique gifts and talents of individuals and helps them to grow and then influence them and direct them towards GOD!
Anyway, I'm learning to give up being controlling in a bad way and instead learn the power of influence.
As I write this I am thinking specifically about a new job endeavor I have. I'm an independent contractor for a Christian Painter named Ron, I am in charge of securing speaking engagements for him and organizing his calendar. This was an entirely new position created within this ministry for someone like me I believe. Someone who likes to be in control work at their own pace and get things done.
However, because it is a brand new position I have been relying on certain things to get completed by the CEO of the company for me to actually get started and do my job. That has been frustrating for me but I am hopeful that once we get all the edges smoothed out and forms completed etc. etc that I will be on my way and will be able to help this ministry.
I need to Let go and Let God. Getting frustrated isn't going to give me the right attitude towards this new job of mine so for now I will be optimistic and pray and do the best I can with what I have.
Lord, I pray today that you be with me in every conversation with the pastors and staff at any Church I contact. I pray that you work out the right speaking engagements and that you can anoint Ron to share your message. Ultimately we do this because we want people to hear about your word and be saved. Please help me to be thoughtful and patient with people and to be efficient and helpful. AMEN!
I'm so qproud of you nena! Como mama le doy gracias al Señor por lo que el hace en tu vida, y sobre todo que vos estas dispuesta a que sea el que trabaje con vos. No hay nada mejor que caminar de la mano del Señor. El te honra, te corona de favores y sacia de bien tu boca.