We often hear how "MAGICAL" Christmas time is right? I get it. There IS something about this Season but rather than it being MAGICAL I think it's HOLY. There is a Holiness that accompanies this time of year.
For one, we focus on the birth of Jesus. It's also a time where people want to give, bless, volunteer, and take care of others. It's a time that diminishes selfishness in this world for a brief moment. Just a quick one. These are all things that can contribute to this euphoric feeling of Christmas time. Nostalgia some may even call it.
Yes, we all have the cherished childhood memories and family traditions during Christmas but it isn't just those things that encompass how "MAGICAL" Christmas feels.
Christmas is Holy. Christmas is a time to celebrate JESUS and the Hope, Joy, Love and Peace he gives to us all. Many of my favorite Christmas songs to sing are those that include something about the birth of our savior. My favorite Christmas song in particular is "Oh Holy Night" the best part of that song is when it say's "FALL ON YOUR KNEES". Why does it say that? because it's an act of worship. Why? because GOD is HOLY!
"For un to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, and He will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6
See what I mean? there was no MAGIC mentioned in that verse. It's proclaiming the mightiness of God our everlasting father our prince of peace. Oh how Holy is he, our wonderful counselor.
I don't know about you but I'd like my kids to keep the focus on how HOLY and wonderful Christmas time is without any gimmicks and silly little elves making messes in my home. Too many believe the Christmas "MAGIC" is in those things. Well let me tell you, it's not in the Santa's, snowmen, gingerbread houses or elves.
Of course we decorate gingerbread houses and check out the Christmas lights but we have chosen to not make a big deal about Santa Clause in our house. Why? I don't want my kids to put their hopes in something that isn't real. I would much rather teach them to put all of their faith and trust in God who is real. We are sensitive to our friends who do make a big deal about Santa in their home and tell our kids that it's all just fun and pretend. It's just not what makes Christmas "Magical" for us. We want Christmas to remain "HOLY" in our home to the best of our ability. I'm not saying that believing in Santa makes it less Holy than not believing. I'm just keeping the focus more on Jesus rather than other things that can sometimes distract from what Christmas is all about. To each it's own.
I really wanted to share my heart with you because I'm asked often "Your kids don't believe in Santa?" like we are crazy people or something or as if there is something missing for them at Christmas time.
Our kids love Christmas, they love taking photos with Santa if we see one. They have the best Christmas memories and they know JESUS is the true reason for ALL Seasons!
So next time you hear someone say "Christmas is so magical" ask them why? tell them about Jesus if they don't know and remember to keep CHRIST in Christmas.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
* Whimsy *
How do little girls from all over creation know Frozen songs? How is it that they are so in love with Elsa? (I personally think Ana is way cooler). Why are mom's standing in ridiculously long lines just to get a chance at buying a Frozen costume for their daughters?
Anyway this post isn't about analyzing why Frozen is so darn popular and why everyone in the world is having a Frozen themed birthday party (we have been to 4 in the past 2 months).
I know for me, watching my daughter play is something I want to be able to record in my mind forever. Some of the sweet things she says and does make my heart feel like it's smiling. I know it's my job to help guard her heart and to expose her to things that are good, just, lovely and pure like the Bible says. Yes even cartoons! Now I'm not saying FROZEN is bad or evil or anything crazy like that. However, I want to be careful at what I let my daughter become "obsessed" with even if it's just an innocent cartoon.
Don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of Frozen themed everything down to a placemat and slippers. And I can belt out quite the lovely rendition of "Summer" as a duet with Samara. BUT....I don't want this or anything else in her life to become an obsession. My hope is to teach her that the most important thing in her life is not having the latest and greatest "thing" but to have a real and true relationship with God. Yes, even now at five years old because that's when it starts, the obsessions.
It's not an easy task. I need constant reminder and convicting from God to show me how to guide both of my kids in his ways. Never putting other trivial things before Him, that's the goal for us, FOR ME! God's grace is beautiful though because even when I get off track he is there to gently nudge me and remind me.
My little Elsa wannabe can enjoy the beauty of everything whimsical all the while knowing she is the daughter of the king and a true real life princess. Hopefully learning and longing to put Jesus first above all.
And yes of course she is worth melting for.......
Anyway this post isn't about analyzing why Frozen is so darn popular and why everyone in the world is having a Frozen themed birthday party (we have been to 4 in the past 2 months).
I know for me, watching my daughter play is something I want to be able to record in my mind forever. Some of the sweet things she says and does make my heart feel like it's smiling. I know it's my job to help guard her heart and to expose her to things that are good, just, lovely and pure like the Bible says. Yes even cartoons! Now I'm not saying FROZEN is bad or evil or anything crazy like that. However, I want to be careful at what I let my daughter become "obsessed" with even if it's just an innocent cartoon.
Don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of Frozen themed everything down to a placemat and slippers. And I can belt out quite the lovely rendition of "Summer" as a duet with Samara. BUT....I don't want this or anything else in her life to become an obsession. My hope is to teach her that the most important thing in her life is not having the latest and greatest "thing" but to have a real and true relationship with God. Yes, even now at five years old because that's when it starts, the obsessions.
It's not an easy task. I need constant reminder and convicting from God to show me how to guide both of my kids in his ways. Never putting other trivial things before Him, that's the goal for us, FOR ME! God's grace is beautiful though because even when I get off track he is there to gently nudge me and remind me.
My little Elsa wannabe can enjoy the beauty of everything whimsical all the while knowing she is the daughter of the king and a true real life princess. Hopefully learning and longing to put Jesus first above all.
And yes of course she is worth melting for.......
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
* I am enough *
A few days ago my husband came home with a bag of Pepperidge Farm pumpkin cheesecake cookies and the movie "Mom's night out". He loves me!
I had already watched the movie in the theater but I wanted to watch it again with my man. He patiently sat through all the parts he probably did not identify with as much and just watched it with me.
The whole point of the movie is about knowing we (as in mother's) are enough. We are enough because God's made us in his perfect image. Simple right? then why do we over analyze everything that we do or don't do as mothers? Why do we fall trap to the enemy lies of thinking we are failing?
There is not a single mom in this entire world that is completely perfect. There is no single HUMAN in this world that is perfect.
Today and always I want to be the best version of myself. I want to focus on those gifts and abilities God has given me to raise my children and give Him all the glory for it. I want to be confident in the things I do as a mother. I want to trust that the path I am walking, He has walked it before me. He equips me with everything I need.
Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
God equips me (YOU) with each and everyone of these and we can apply them to our role as mothers knowing we are doing our best. Even when we make mistakes and fall short, even on those long days when exhaustion takes over and we haven't changed out of our yoga pants since the morning! God's love and grace meets us where we are, he let's us start over and begin again. He sweetly whispers to us "You are enough."
I am entrusted to lead and teach these little treasures and I am so thankful that I am not alone. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and love. Thank you for the everyday grace you show to us. I am so thankful for these treasures of mine. Aren't they cute?
I had already watched the movie in the theater but I wanted to watch it again with my man. He patiently sat through all the parts he probably did not identify with as much and just watched it with me.
The whole point of the movie is about knowing we (as in mother's) are enough. We are enough because God's made us in his perfect image. Simple right? then why do we over analyze everything that we do or don't do as mothers? Why do we fall trap to the enemy lies of thinking we are failing?
There is not a single mom in this entire world that is completely perfect. There is no single HUMAN in this world that is perfect.
Today and always I want to be the best version of myself. I want to focus on those gifts and abilities God has given me to raise my children and give Him all the glory for it. I want to be confident in the things I do as a mother. I want to trust that the path I am walking, He has walked it before me. He equips me with everything I need.
Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
God equips me (YOU) with each and everyone of these and we can apply them to our role as mothers knowing we are doing our best. Even when we make mistakes and fall short, even on those long days when exhaustion takes over and we haven't changed out of our yoga pants since the morning! God's love and grace meets us where we are, he let's us start over and begin again. He sweetly whispers to us "You are enough."
I am entrusted to lead and teach these little treasures and I am so thankful that I am not alone. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and love. Thank you for the everyday grace you show to us. I am so thankful for these treasures of mine. Aren't they cute?
Friday, June 13, 2014
* Happy Birthday MOM *
You haven’t been perfect but nobody in this world has. Yet Grace rolls off of your shoulders and
hands filled with pain at times. Patient,
quiet and waiting you pray and you pray with authority.
Patient, knowing, faithful and trusting in the almighty
father knowing the answer is there even though it isn’t always seen. Yet you remain faithful, you share
hope selflessly.
You encourage, uplift and advise many women, even me and even when I think I have all the
You are faithful and serve whole heartedly. You serve your husband and family and have
open hands sometimes with plenty and sometimes with just enough.
Tired yet joyful, worried but not afraid, hopeful and not
defeated. The message is hope and you
share it all the time.
I’ve learned to pray and pray in all things but not just on
my own. It’s been a glimpse of you
praying with me, for me and always so faithful. It’s
been the words you spoke when I thought God had forgotten.
In pain you have helped me, in sorrow you have prayed for
me, in worry you have tried to comfort me.
Those things only a mother can do.
For that I am grateful.
I see the beauty in the ashes. I
believe in the healing of our hearts and I know God is healer. This is Grace at its finest. It is Grace unedited. It is everyday Grace. Happy 60 years of life Mom.
Monday, March 10, 2014
* What is Love? *
Love is patient, Love is kind...you know that verse. It was probably said at your wedding or you have heard it said at a wedding.
The truth is that LOVE, REAL LOVE is unconditional. I think sometimes we put a value on how much we love someone without really meaning to.
You see I'm guilty as charged. It's so easy to base how much you love someone on how they treat you, what they do or don't do and what they say or don't say. It's human nature I guess.
As God followers though we are to be the salt of this earth. That means we do not look like or act like anyone that isn't whole heartedly following after Jesus. He's called us to be like Him and being like Him means we give grace, show compassion and guess what else? Love UNCONDITIONALLY. He's loved us this way our entire lives. I can't even count how many times I may have disappointed God but yet he LOVES me.
Today I am reminded that through thick or thin, good times in bad LOVE must remain. It's a choice and it's not a feeling. Nobody said that it would be easy either but I know that God honors us when we choose to do the right thing and NOT base showing love and grace based on emotions.
My prayer is for God to allow me to love unconditionally without any selfish agendas. No matter how I feel, no matter what the situation. I want to shine for Him and radiate his beauty and his compassion.
I have a choice to make. I can forgive and show compassion or I can hold bitterness and show hate. I choose to radiate Jesus through me and only by Him can I make it each day, only by Him can love flow out of my life and into other's lives. Only by Him can I walk confident and knowing that I am God's treasure and I do not need to be validated by another person on this earth when I know GOD loves me, GOD is looking out for me and GOD created me in His image.
I love the song "Oceans" by Hillsongs
My favorite part of the song says: I am yours and you are mine.
It's an intimate reminder of how special I (we) are all to God.
My soul rests in His embrace and I trust in Him.
Thankful for His Grace.
The truth is that LOVE, REAL LOVE is unconditional. I think sometimes we put a value on how much we love someone without really meaning to.
You see I'm guilty as charged. It's so easy to base how much you love someone on how they treat you, what they do or don't do and what they say or don't say. It's human nature I guess.
As God followers though we are to be the salt of this earth. That means we do not look like or act like anyone that isn't whole heartedly following after Jesus. He's called us to be like Him and being like Him means we give grace, show compassion and guess what else? Love UNCONDITIONALLY. He's loved us this way our entire lives. I can't even count how many times I may have disappointed God but yet he LOVES me.
Today I am reminded that through thick or thin, good times in bad LOVE must remain. It's a choice and it's not a feeling. Nobody said that it would be easy either but I know that God honors us when we choose to do the right thing and NOT base showing love and grace based on emotions.
My prayer is for God to allow me to love unconditionally without any selfish agendas. No matter how I feel, no matter what the situation. I want to shine for Him and radiate his beauty and his compassion.
I have a choice to make. I can forgive and show compassion or I can hold bitterness and show hate. I choose to radiate Jesus through me and only by Him can I make it each day, only by Him can love flow out of my life and into other's lives. Only by Him can I walk confident and knowing that I am God's treasure and I do not need to be validated by another person on this earth when I know GOD loves me, GOD is looking out for me and GOD created me in His image.
I love the song "Oceans" by Hillsongs
My favorite part of the song says: I am yours and you are mine.
It's an intimate reminder of how special I (we) are all to God.
My soul rests in His embrace and I trust in Him.
Thankful for His Grace.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
* Secret world of Espionage *
Simi Valley! Now that's a nice two hour drive for us. I didn't realize it would be a full day adventure when I asked Carlos if we should take Samuel to the Reagan Library for a Spy Exhibit.
We decided to go mainly because his "Papa" (Ray) also wanted to go and see Air Force One.
It was an interesting museum and I think overall we enjoyed every part of it. Samuel's favorite thing was the Spy Exhibit and the laser maze.
We decided to go mainly because his "Papa" (Ray) also wanted to go and see Air Force One.
It was an interesting museum and I think overall we enjoyed every part of it. Samuel's favorite thing was the Spy Exhibit and the laser maze.
He enjoyed learning all about the secret world of Espionage!
I do think we should go back in a few years when the kids are a bit older and can truly capture each artifact and collection that the museum has available.
Samuel and his Papa loved seeing Air Force One and the Marine Corps One helicopter.
Meanwhile I stayed back and hung out with my little princess. Samara ended up getting sick, she had an upset stomach and was very tired. We found a shady bench and relaxed while everyone toured the museum.
I think my little guy was inspired a bit. Who know's maybe he will be our next president.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
* Making Memories *
I've talked before on my love of EVERYTHING tea. Today I had an opportunity to host yet another tea party for the ladies in my family. I'd like to call it our "Lot's of Love tea". Samara and I decorated and set up a sweet table display and of course since it is Valentine's month it was all hearts and flowers.
Here are some photos of our tables.
We had some sweet strawberry heart fabric left over from Samara's birthday party and it made for a perfect little table cloth.
We ate the traditional cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches & heart shaped scones of course. We also had a fresh salad and some yummy strawberries. (It is almost season).
This was the first time that I had the opportunity to have my grandmother over for a tea party and I hope she cherishes it as much as I did.
I am hoping that this little gesture of love will always be a sweet memory for Samara and I hope to one day be the one attending one of he tea parties at her house. In the meantime I am enjoying the women in my family. Praying daily for them and knowing God is bringing us all closer together.
Here are some photos of our tables.
We had some sweet strawberry heart fabric left over from Samara's birthday party and it made for a perfect little table cloth.
We ate the traditional cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches & heart shaped scones of course. We also had a fresh salad and some yummy strawberries. (It is almost season).
This was the first time that I had the opportunity to have my grandmother over for a tea party and I hope she cherishes it as much as I did.
I am hoping that this little gesture of love will always be a sweet memory for Samara and I hope to one day be the one attending one of he tea parties at her house. In the meantime I am enjoying the women in my family. Praying daily for them and knowing God is bringing us all closer together.
Until next time. Cheers!!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
* On Broadway *
The kids got to experience their first live musical today. ANNIE! Samara (lover of all things musical) really enjoyed herself. Samuel and I loved it too.
Community theater productions are such a great way to introduce the kids to the world of Broadway.
I have always loved musicals and I've had the chance to see three of them: Phantom of the opera, Chicago and Wicked. All of the fabulous. I hope to one day be able to see one in New York city on Broadway. (Sigh) One day.
In the meantime, I am happy to introduce the kids to a few classics and get them exposed to a little bit of art, music and culture.
Here they are excited before the production began.
Community theater productions are such a great way to introduce the kids to the world of Broadway.
I have always loved musicals and I've had the chance to see three of them: Phantom of the opera, Chicago and Wicked. All of the fabulous. I hope to one day be able to see one in New York city on Broadway. (Sigh) One day.
In the meantime, I am happy to introduce the kids to a few classics and get them exposed to a little bit of art, music and culture.
Here they are excited before the production began.

We went with our friend Denise and all of us had a blast. Their first live musical was a great experience. I think next up on our list will be Peter Pan.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
* Daily Lovin *
Why is Valentine's Day such a big deal? I know the retailers see it as another way to make a profit for sure. Wasn't there Valentine's day stuff at Target in December? Seems like we never get through just one holiday at a time, but is Valentine's day a holiday?
It is for me. I actually love Valentine's day and here is why:
Now don't get me wrong, I think we obviously need to show our loved ones and people we do life with Love on the daily...BUT on Valentine's day we get to go all out.
We get to do a little extra for our husbands and our little one's. I delight in decorating the house, making crafts, talking about the love of Jesus for us and sneaking in some sweet treats in lunchboxes. I love making Valentine cards for my children and making sure they know what treasures they are to my heart. I love going on a special date with my husband and receiving a heart felt card from him. I also love to LOVE on my extended family and friends.
There is something special that happens when you let someone know that you truly LOVE them. I think our hearts grow bigger and I think Jesus smiles down because just as we parents like to see our kids being kind to one another and walking in LOVE. I think God delights in us too when we do the same.
I choose LOVE in the midst of frustration
I choose LOVE in the midst of chaos
I choose LOVE in those situations where it is hard to
I choose LOVE because I am worthy of receiving it
I choose LOVE daily.
"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE" 1Corinthians 13:13
It is for me. I actually love Valentine's day and here is why:
Now don't get me wrong, I think we obviously need to show our loved ones and people we do life with Love on the daily...BUT on Valentine's day we get to go all out.
We get to do a little extra for our husbands and our little one's. I delight in decorating the house, making crafts, talking about the love of Jesus for us and sneaking in some sweet treats in lunchboxes. I love making Valentine cards for my children and making sure they know what treasures they are to my heart. I love going on a special date with my husband and receiving a heart felt card from him. I also love to LOVE on my extended family and friends.
There is something special that happens when you let someone know that you truly LOVE them. I think our hearts grow bigger and I think Jesus smiles down because just as we parents like to see our kids being kind to one another and walking in LOVE. I think God delights in us too when we do the same.
I choose LOVE in the midst of frustration
I choose LOVE in the midst of chaos
I choose LOVE in those situations where it is hard to
I choose LOVE because I am worthy of receiving it
I choose LOVE daily.
"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE" 1Corinthians 13:13
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
* Madre *
I call my grandmother "Madre" it means "mother" in Spanish. I assume that It's because that's what my mom calls her and so yeah it just made sense.
I spent a lot of summers at my grandmother's house in Guatemala and besides almost dying every single time due to her three cats and two dogs, I loved every minute.
I started drinking coffee probably at the age of 7 so it's no wonder that coffee, french bread, cheese and black beans were my staple while at my grandmother's house. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. No joke! I lived on that stuff and I probably still could. It's heaven in my mouth.
Anyway, I remember plenty about my grandmother but more importantly there are a few key things that will always stay with me. I realize that my grandma is still around and that I can continue to cherish my time spent with her but in all reality it isn't the same anymore.
My grandmother still has the biggest heart, she still loves Jesus with every part of her being but she is slowly drifting.
"Gracias Jesus" those words have been uttered out of my grandmother's mouth more times that I can count. I remember thinking it was so weird to hear her constantly thanking Jesus. I was a child and I would look around trying to see what it was she was saying thank you for. I never physically saw anything and I don't think she was even thinking of anything in specific, she was just always thanking Jesus with a sincere heart. I get it now. I understand that finding true joy stems from thanksgiving. I realize that she was just praising God and showing gratitude for everything in her life.
My grandmother always spent hours reading her Bible. I have one of her favorite Bibles all torn and falling apart. I don't know how I scored that gem but the Bible is in Spanish so I haven't explored it too much. When I was a kid she would just walk up to me and start reading, anything at all just random things out of the Bible. (At least I thought they were random). I realize now that she was reading scripture to me to encourage me, lift me up and to sew the seeds of God's word in my heart.
She always sang. There was always an old hymn being sung by her while she cooked, while she cleaned, as she washed clothes as she walked around the house arms in the air I remember telling her she sounded like Snow White. Sometimes she would sing to me and smile and I would roll my eyes thinking how silly she was. In reality I think I inherited the singing from her. I tend to do that with my kids now and they smile at me and think I'm silly.
I used to color with her all the time and when I got in to Barbie she made the Barbies clothes. She made one of my Barbies an amazing wedding dress. I still have it too!
I am thankful for her relentless love of Jesus and for her sharing that passion with me and being that example.
I am blessed by these women in my life. I pray that I can pass on the love and passion for Jesus to my girl like my mom and grandmother have done for me.
I spent a lot of summers at my grandmother's house in Guatemala and besides almost dying every single time due to her three cats and two dogs, I loved every minute.
I started drinking coffee probably at the age of 7 so it's no wonder that coffee, french bread, cheese and black beans were my staple while at my grandmother's house. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. No joke! I lived on that stuff and I probably still could. It's heaven in my mouth.
Anyway, I remember plenty about my grandmother but more importantly there are a few key things that will always stay with me. I realize that my grandma is still around and that I can continue to cherish my time spent with her but in all reality it isn't the same anymore.
My grandmother still has the biggest heart, she still loves Jesus with every part of her being but she is slowly drifting.
"Gracias Jesus" those words have been uttered out of my grandmother's mouth more times that I can count. I remember thinking it was so weird to hear her constantly thanking Jesus. I was a child and I would look around trying to see what it was she was saying thank you for. I never physically saw anything and I don't think she was even thinking of anything in specific, she was just always thanking Jesus with a sincere heart. I get it now. I understand that finding true joy stems from thanksgiving. I realize that she was just praising God and showing gratitude for everything in her life.
My grandmother always spent hours reading her Bible. I have one of her favorite Bibles all torn and falling apart. I don't know how I scored that gem but the Bible is in Spanish so I haven't explored it too much. When I was a kid she would just walk up to me and start reading, anything at all just random things out of the Bible. (At least I thought they were random). I realize now that she was reading scripture to me to encourage me, lift me up and to sew the seeds of God's word in my heart.
She always sang. There was always an old hymn being sung by her while she cooked, while she cleaned, as she washed clothes as she walked around the house arms in the air I remember telling her she sounded like Snow White. Sometimes she would sing to me and smile and I would roll my eyes thinking how silly she was. In reality I think I inherited the singing from her. I tend to do that with my kids now and they smile at me and think I'm silly.
I used to color with her all the time and when I got in to Barbie she made the Barbies clothes. She made one of my Barbies an amazing wedding dress. I still have it too!
I am thankful for her relentless love of Jesus and for her sharing that passion with me and being that example.
I am blessed by these women in my life. I pray that I can pass on the love and passion for Jesus to my girl like my mom and grandmother have done for me.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
* New all over *
I normally write on my journal the very first day of the new year. It usually feels so quiet, fresh and new. This year was the first time that it didn't feel like that for me. I still don't know exactly why that is but I know it's unusual. I can feel It in the air usually (the newness) but this year did not feel that way.
It feels new in other ways though. It feels new in the way that I am searching for more of God in my life. It feels new in the way that I am drawing closer to my husband and working on our relationship becoming stronger and better. It feels new that I am making progress with my relationship with my mom. It feels new in the sense that I have so much more knowledge in how I should be raising my kids. (I thank Jesus for that).
There are memories to be made, songs to be sung and places to be seen. I look forward to this year because I know that God is moving in my life. Perhaps that's why I did not sense the change of that first day. Perhaps it's because the change has slowly already been happening in my life for quite some time.
All I know is that I am thankful, with open arms ready to receive and hear what God may have for me.
In the quiet of his presence in the newness of his word and in the freshness of his Holy Spirit I look forward, I anticipate and I embrace this new year.
It feels new in other ways though. It feels new in the way that I am searching for more of God in my life. It feels new in the way that I am drawing closer to my husband and working on our relationship becoming stronger and better. It feels new that I am making progress with my relationship with my mom. It feels new in the sense that I have so much more knowledge in how I should be raising my kids. (I thank Jesus for that).
There are memories to be made, songs to be sung and places to be seen. I look forward to this year because I know that God is moving in my life. Perhaps that's why I did not sense the change of that first day. Perhaps it's because the change has slowly already been happening in my life for quite some time.
All I know is that I am thankful, with open arms ready to receive and hear what God may have for me.
In the quiet of his presence in the newness of his word and in the freshness of his Holy Spirit I look forward, I anticipate and I embrace this new year.
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