Monday, January 16, 2012

* Brand Spankin New *

Usually on New Year's Day there is something in the air that feels new to me. It's always a very quiet day and somehow I can feel the shift to "new". We are only 16 days into 2012 and so it still qualifies as a New Year.

It isn't like me to make up resolutions when a new year begins but I do like to reflect and think about some of the things I would like to make happen in the new year. To me, it's not a resolution because i'm not necessarily looking to change something that is bad, I am simply trying to ADD something that is good.

This year some of those additions to my life actually require subtractions first.

My first subtraction is Partylite. It is a fun thing to do and YES it generates extra income BUT it also takes away precious time. Right now my focus is my family first, friendships and Women's Ministry. There is a balancing act already with just the three and I decided that Partylite isn't on my top priority, maybe I will go back to it later.

Back to my additions. I choose to add; 1. More date nights with my husband 2. Even more special teachable moments that are fun with my children. 3. Hopefully growing closer to my imediate family and creating new traditions with them. 4. Having more fun "girl dates" because a woman can't ever have too much fun with her girlfriends.

Ofcourse every year I strive to grow closer to God and learn more about Him because in turn He teaches me more about myself. He is the one who helps me maintain these relationships and keep the focus on what matters in life.

With all that said, I like the way "New" feels. It gives me "us" an opportunity to look ahead, perhaps plan or set goals and re-evaluate what matters most in our lives.

I am thankful that I can have Every DaY Grace from God and know that each "New" day is a fresh start given to me by Him.

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