Since last night I have had a strong urging to pray for my family, my in-laws and for my friends. It's been heavy on my heart that some people who I love dearly are going through some rough times right now. My job as a friend, daughter, mother, cousin, daughter in-law, wife and grand-daughter is to encourage in everyway that I possibly can.
There is no exeption to being a Christian. I can't say that I'm a Christian EXEPT for when I don't think it will be convenient for me. I am a Christian all the time and the truth is that I need to be Christ LIKE in every way possible. It isn't difficult for me to share about what God has done in my life and to encourage my family or friends with what God say's when they need to hear it. I would like to think that sharing about God should not be a difficult task when it comes to unsaved family or friends but sometimes it does get tricky.
My prayer is that I can continue to grow myself so that even in the "tricky" situations God can be glorified. I know there is power in prayer and when I tell someone that I will pray for them I always do. I've seen first hand miracles happen in my own life because of prayer and this year is no exeption.
I believe that this year has started a little bit rough with some relationships in my own family as well as with my in-laws but I know that God's promises always stand true and we can get through this season of battles. I also know that breakthrough's are just around the corner I am bracing myself for some amazing things that I know are going to take place. Prayers are going to be answered!
Yesterday I prayed and asked God to give me a fresh anointing in my life, to help me see with his eyes and to be a blessing to everyone I share my life with. Today our Pastor talked about being ALL IN. Meaning living a life for God and no matter what giving him the Glory, in the good and the bad.
A dear friend came up to me and shared that God put it in her heart that he was "increasing my territory". We both have no idea what that means, but I do know that I am ready for whatever God want's to do in my life. I know that there is more to come and I am so excited. I wanted to blog about this because I hope to someday look back on this post and remember the anticipation I felt and knowing God was getting ready to do more in my walk with Him.
One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 12:2 and it say's " Do not be comformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." I don't want to go with the flow and do what everyone else does, I want to do what God tells me to do even if it means I'm different. I want my mind to be renewed and become a better mother, wife, friend etc. God has a lot of work to do in me, but I'm so grateful because day in and day out he shows me everyday grace.
Thank you got taking the time to pray for all of us. I'm a firm believe that prayer opens up the door for God to work. The Lord commands us to pray without ceasing...also you have not because you ask not. We serve an amazing God!