This morning did not go as planned. I had intented to take the kids to the Library for story time but before that I had to make a quick stop at Target. I probably shopped around for 20 minutes before I headed back to my car. Everything was going according to plan except when I turned the key my car wouldn't start.
Here I was in a parkling lot with two little one's and a non running car. It's funny how in those moments when we have to think fast we think "Who can I call?". I called Carlos first to inform him of my car trouble. I did have jumper cables but somehow the way he explained it to me sounded way too complicated and I decided that I couldn't do that on my own.
My mom arrived shortly after but she didn't know how to use jumper cables either. Rather than leave my car in the parking lot I started to think about who could help. My friend Heather gave me a ring and I shared with her my dilema. Now she was explaining to me the exact way I was to jump start my car. This was a REVELATION! I understood what she said.
I don't know if the way my husband explained it earlier was foreign to me because he spoke in "guy" language or what, but I understood what Heather said. I followed the steps and my car was up and running again. I must admit I kind of felt very proud and good about myself for being able to do that.
As I drove home and thanked Jesus for taking care of me and the kids I also realized the imporantce of knowing how to jump start a car incase of an emergency. It also made me reflect a little bit on how sometimes we need a jump start in our walk with God.
You see, today I learned that I can take the time to LEARN how to do something and fix the problem without having to doubt my ability to do it first.
It's the same thing in our lives when we go through rough periods and feel like our battery is running on low or has even stopped running. LEARNING how to call on Jesus even when we doubt or feel weary is KEY to getting through any rough circumstance.
We simply can not doubt in ourselves because it is Him in us who guides us and can JUMP START our faith again.
God's Grace poured out on me today as I boldly tried something on my own for the first time.
So although my morning plans were not as I thought they would be, I was able to learn a quick lesson that JUMP STARTED my Faith even more.
"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:9-10
El señor nos da el jump start. Que lindo nena que lo veas con los ojos de tú entendimientos. El Señor te está levantando cada día más para Su servicio y un día no muy lejanos estarás llevando la palabra a muchas mujeres y alcanzandolas para Su gloria. SOS un gran tesoro. TAM