The theme for our Women's Ministry this year is "Transformation". Of course we are using Butterflies to illustrate and draw home the point. My favorite part however is that one of our verses is Romans 12:2 my ultimate favorite. It says "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." I absolutely love it! It reminds me to be a true original, to be the person GOD has intended for me to be.
The three steps to a butterfly transformation are; caterpillar stage, chrysalis stage and then finally the butterfly stage.
The caterpillar stage is when they chomp and eat on everything they get FAT! I think spiritually I'm in the caterpillar stage. Thankfully I'm only getting spiritually fat! I feel as if I am soaking up all the knowledge I can possibly gain from the Bible, books, church, seminars, conferences, other women in leadership, retreats and trainings. I feel like I am loading up on everything that God has to say about who I am and what he has intended for me to do for Him. It's an exciting place to be for me. I am a book nerd naturally and reading and researching is exciting to me but I am making a specific choice to fill my mind up with those things I want to learn more about all to grow in Christ daily and to be a better woman for everyone in my life.
The Chrysalis stage reminds me of someone who is being told to stay put. You are wrapped up and are beginning the real transformation. It can be dark and scary but I believe spiritually that it's also holy ground. God is there with you, whispering in the dark and creating this beautiful masterpiece (butterfly).
The butterfly stage is when the transformation has been complete. You spread your wings and show all the beauty from all the things God has made in you. It leads me to think about butterflies and how they flutter and flap but sometimes they also SOAR.
A while back God gave me the word SOARING, he then broke it down to this: Serving Others And Rising In New Gifts. How cool is that? just because we have been transformed and are now soaring for Jesus we can still develop and rise new gifts in us from HIM! It's exciting.
This is a year of Transformation. I boldly declare that for all the miracles I am waiting for and all the transformation that is yet to happen in my family and in myself. I anxiously wait each day for the things God can show me and how His grace continues to abound in me.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
* Lists *
I am a list girl. I need lists, I love lists and I make lists for EVERYTHING! Sometimes I even like to ADD things to my list just so I can cross it off. It's a weird satisfaction that I get looking at a list and crossing off what I have completed.
Anyway, because I make a list for everything I finally made myself a list for cleaning. It's more of a cleaning schedule than a list and I had been thinking about making one for quite sometime I just FINALLY did it though.
I made something up on Publisher and printed it just now. It's a basic list/schedule of what needs to be cleaned and when it needs to be done.
Before I had kids I would just spend one Saturday morning cleaning the whole place and I was done for the week, with touch up's on the kitchen and such but nothing major. Now that I have little one's it's almost impossible to keep anything in my home clean for a long period of time if I'm not constantly cleaning. I don't want to be constantly cleaning because I want to have the time to enjoy my two precious treasures as well.
I decided with this list that instead of frustrating myself and not getting everything I want done in one day I will instead break everything up in to smaller tasks through out the week.
I am going to start this new plan next week and see how it works out for me. I should start meal planning next I have a binder and everything I just have not felt inspired to do that yet. Cooking is a bit stressful to me and I guess this would be helpful but for now I'm happy I have my cleaning schedule made up.
Let's see how this next week goes. Looking forward to a tidy house (most of the time)!
Anyway, because I make a list for everything I finally made myself a list for cleaning. It's more of a cleaning schedule than a list and I had been thinking about making one for quite sometime I just FINALLY did it though.
I made something up on Publisher and printed it just now. It's a basic list/schedule of what needs to be cleaned and when it needs to be done.
Before I had kids I would just spend one Saturday morning cleaning the whole place and I was done for the week, with touch up's on the kitchen and such but nothing major. Now that I have little one's it's almost impossible to keep anything in my home clean for a long period of time if I'm not constantly cleaning. I don't want to be constantly cleaning because I want to have the time to enjoy my two precious treasures as well.
I decided with this list that instead of frustrating myself and not getting everything I want done in one day I will instead break everything up in to smaller tasks through out the week.
I am going to start this new plan next week and see how it works out for me. I should start meal planning next I have a binder and everything I just have not felt inspired to do that yet. Cooking is a bit stressful to me and I guess this would be helpful but for now I'm happy I have my cleaning schedule made up.
Let's see how this next week goes. Looking forward to a tidy house (most of the time)!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
* Diaper Free *
It's official! we are now a diaper FREE home! (sort of) we still have Pull-ups for naps and night time and for those super long car rides BUT pretty much we are diaper free.
Samara is doing great and she loves wearing her big girl panties. We started the "official" training this weekend since I was cooped up at home from being sick anyway. She had already been telling me when she had to poop and already had a potty but we hadn't ventured out into the world of panties yet.
I was a bit leery with her at first thinking that she has been difficult with everything THIS may be a big challenge BUT she surprised me at how well she is doing. I am very proud of her and so happy for my wallet.
To celebrate her daddy brought her home a mint from work. (Trust me that is a big deal to her) Her grandmother from Idaho is going to be sending a special gift to her in the mail so she will have another fun treat to look forward to.
On another note, I have 3 baby showers this month and so although I am done buying diapers for MY Kids I am not quite done buying them for the little one's on the way.
BUT it's a joyful day in our home! No more diapers!!
Samara is doing great and she loves wearing her big girl panties. We started the "official" training this weekend since I was cooped up at home from being sick anyway. She had already been telling me when she had to poop and already had a potty but we hadn't ventured out into the world of panties yet.
I was a bit leery with her at first thinking that she has been difficult with everything THIS may be a big challenge BUT she surprised me at how well she is doing. I am very proud of her and so happy for my wallet.
To celebrate her daddy brought her home a mint from work. (Trust me that is a big deal to her) Her grandmother from Idaho is going to be sending a special gift to her in the mail so she will have another fun treat to look forward to.
On another note, I have 3 baby showers this month and so although I am done buying diapers for MY Kids I am not quite done buying them for the little one's on the way.
BUT it's a joyful day in our home! No more diapers!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
* ill *
Getting sick is such an interruption to life. I think that mom's should be exempt from being sick first of all. There is no way you can tend to your children, home and husbands when you are feeling miserable, looking miserable and only function with about half your brain. (The other half is either clogged or asleep due to the cold medicine).
I try to go all natural and fight it out drink lot's of water and take vitamin c, usually it kicks it but this is TWICE in 6 months that I've gotten sick pretty bad. Last time this happened in September I was slayed in bed for about 2 days until I actually got better.
This weekend I missed the women's retreat from Church. Something I had been looking forward to for a long time, why did I get sick all of a sudden? of all weekends to be sick it had to happen when I actually had something important going on.
Oh no I have payed my dues, I will NOT Be sick again this year if I can help it. I'm usually not one to get sick that often either. I am good as long as my kids don't get sick or my husband doesn't get sick.
I'm off to drink more water and take more vitamin C.
I shall be well soon!
I try to go all natural and fight it out drink lot's of water and take vitamin c, usually it kicks it but this is TWICE in 6 months that I've gotten sick pretty bad. Last time this happened in September I was slayed in bed for about 2 days until I actually got better.
This weekend I missed the women's retreat from Church. Something I had been looking forward to for a long time, why did I get sick all of a sudden? of all weekends to be sick it had to happen when I actually had something important going on.
Oh no I have payed my dues, I will NOT Be sick again this year if I can help it. I'm usually not one to get sick that often either. I am good as long as my kids don't get sick or my husband doesn't get sick.
I'm off to drink more water and take more vitamin C.
I shall be well soon!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
* Madre *
Today I got to spend a little more time with my grandmother. I call her "Madre" I have ever since I was small due to my mom calling her that. In spanish it means MOTHER. My kids call her Nana and that's something they came up with all on their own.
She is a special lady of course and she either makes me laugh or makes me frustrated because she is stubborn like me. Either way I love her dearly. Today was no different, she played with the kids (her great grand kids) and we talked a little bit about some of her hopes and dreams. (Yes at 83 years old she still has them).
She made me laugh when she came outside wearing a pair of black shoes that was clearly mix matched.

Here is a picture of her silly feet that my mom sent me hours after leaving the house. It was so funny she and I and my mom all cried tears of laughter. It was a small but precious moment. I said goodbye as if I would see her again next week, but the truth is I didn't want to cry. She leaves back for Texas on Saturday and I will be out of town for a Woman's Retreat.
I love my grandma and she lives in Texas we see her twice in the year and she will hopefully be back in November. It's always in the back of my mind that she is older and she may be getting to go and hang out with Jesus soon. Her health is great except for a little bit of High Blood Pressure but it's always in the back of my mind. I don't like to think about that but I know that some day everyone will be in Heaven with Jesus.
She is a mighty woman of God constantly praying and giving thanks to God through out the day. She never seizes prayer and talks to Jesus like he is her best friend. She has taught me Grace and the power of prayer. She isn't perfect but none of us are.
I already miss her. I cry tears as I type because I love her and I wish that I could spend more time with her and see her more often. I don't call as often as I should but I do send her tons of pictures of the kids. My heart hurts right now because I love her yet I don't want to cry in front of her and make her upset.
I pray traveling mercies on her and a safe return back to Amarillo. She has a little ministry there and I like to call it that because she ministers to other women who live in her building. For an 83 year old woman she knows a lot about life and the Bible and she is a huge encourager to others and I'm thankful that God is using her through out her life in different ways.
I love you Madre! (yo no la quiero yo la amo)
She is a special lady of course and she either makes me laugh or makes me frustrated because she is stubborn like me. Either way I love her dearly. Today was no different, she played with the kids (her great grand kids) and we talked a little bit about some of her hopes and dreams. (Yes at 83 years old she still has them).
She made me laugh when she came outside wearing a pair of black shoes that was clearly mix matched.

Here is a picture of her silly feet that my mom sent me hours after leaving the house. It was so funny she and I and my mom all cried tears of laughter. It was a small but precious moment. I said goodbye as if I would see her again next week, but the truth is I didn't want to cry. She leaves back for Texas on Saturday and I will be out of town for a Woman's Retreat.
I love my grandma and she lives in Texas we see her twice in the year and she will hopefully be back in November. It's always in the back of my mind that she is older and she may be getting to go and hang out with Jesus soon. Her health is great except for a little bit of High Blood Pressure but it's always in the back of my mind. I don't like to think about that but I know that some day everyone will be in Heaven with Jesus.
She is a mighty woman of God constantly praying and giving thanks to God through out the day. She never seizes prayer and talks to Jesus like he is her best friend. She has taught me Grace and the power of prayer. She isn't perfect but none of us are.
I already miss her. I cry tears as I type because I love her and I wish that I could spend more time with her and see her more often. I don't call as often as I should but I do send her tons of pictures of the kids. My heart hurts right now because I love her yet I don't want to cry in front of her and make her upset.
I pray traveling mercies on her and a safe return back to Amarillo. She has a little ministry there and I like to call it that because she ministers to other women who live in her building. For an 83 year old woman she knows a lot about life and the Bible and she is a huge encourager to others and I'm thankful that God is using her through out her life in different ways.
I love you Madre! (yo no la quiero yo la amo)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
* What was that? *
It's so easy to get caught up in a conversation that is quickly turned into an argument and then get upset because you have completely misinterpreted what someone is saying or even go as far as making up something you "think" you heard. Aren't we all guilty of that?
I call them amature conversations because to me by a certain age you should be able to have adult conversations without them turning into an argument.
A conversation is open and ALL who are involved are to be responsible in keeping an OPEN ear an OPEN mind, look them in the face and keep a RESPECTFUL tone. By all means I am no conversation expert, however I do like to have them and perhaps even agree to disagree from time to time. I believe everything can be communicated in a respectful way and I hate it when I sound disrespectful or condesending to anyone when I am trying to make a point.
It's harder I think, when you are placed in a position of Leadership because that's a slippery sloap sometimes. To me a good leader listens and acknowledges everyone's opinion then makes a wise choice based on the information given. It doesn't matter if you are a leader at work, in ministry or a leader at home. Telling someone "We are doing this because I say we are." not only diminishes the person as in "their opinion means squat" but also hinders the relationship from growing and for communication to be efficient.
Efficient communication is key to good relationships I believe. We should be able to share our thoughts, concerns and opinions to others. It is critical that we have good communication skills with everyone we do life with. Especially as Christians, I believe we are called to be compasionate and respectful people. IN EVERYTHING! I dont think this means we need to always be agreeable because that's unrealistic, however coming to an agreement as I said earlier even agreeing to disagree is more honorable and a lot healthier than no acknowledgement for anyones thoughts or opinions.
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs 12:15
I don't want to be a fool in my own eyes, I want to respect people and listen to their thoughts and give genuine concern for what they tell me. In ministry, my home and ALL areas of my life.
It's so easy to let one misunderstanding create a wall for communication lines and to wedge strife in a relationship.
I would much rather ask the question "What was that?" "What did you mean by that?"
It's all part of the learning process right?
I call them amature conversations because to me by a certain age you should be able to have adult conversations without them turning into an argument.
A conversation is open and ALL who are involved are to be responsible in keeping an OPEN ear an OPEN mind, look them in the face and keep a RESPECTFUL tone. By all means I am no conversation expert, however I do like to have them and perhaps even agree to disagree from time to time. I believe everything can be communicated in a respectful way and I hate it when I sound disrespectful or condesending to anyone when I am trying to make a point.
It's harder I think, when you are placed in a position of Leadership because that's a slippery sloap sometimes. To me a good leader listens and acknowledges everyone's opinion then makes a wise choice based on the information given. It doesn't matter if you are a leader at work, in ministry or a leader at home. Telling someone "We are doing this because I say we are." not only diminishes the person as in "their opinion means squat" but also hinders the relationship from growing and for communication to be efficient.
Efficient communication is key to good relationships I believe. We should be able to share our thoughts, concerns and opinions to others. It is critical that we have good communication skills with everyone we do life with. Especially as Christians, I believe we are called to be compasionate and respectful people. IN EVERYTHING! I dont think this means we need to always be agreeable because that's unrealistic, however coming to an agreement as I said earlier even agreeing to disagree is more honorable and a lot healthier than no acknowledgement for anyones thoughts or opinions.
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs 12:15
I don't want to be a fool in my own eyes, I want to respect people and listen to their thoughts and give genuine concern for what they tell me. In ministry, my home and ALL areas of my life.
It's so easy to let one misunderstanding create a wall for communication lines and to wedge strife in a relationship.
I would much rather ask the question "What was that?" "What did you mean by that?"
It's all part of the learning process right?
Monday, March 5, 2012
* Back to Basics *
Samara has been blessed multiple times in the past two years with clothing. It never seizes to amaze me that right when she is getting ready to out grow some of her things, God shows up, uses someone and instantly she has a closet full. I am so grateful for that and for girlfriends who have older little girls.
I really don't need to clothe shop so much for her and I tend to find great deals on clothing for Samuel. I don't focus so much on the latest and greatest on everything because there is hype to most things and at the end of the day I like keeping it simple. You can have a rich life without going in to debt or trying to keep up with other people and what they have. I know that my basic needs will always be met and I am grateful for that each day too.
Speaking to a friend today we shared on how God has stirred BOTH of our hearts on taking things back to the basics. So many times especially when we are involved in ministry and planning we get tied up on the details and we over complicate what God is truly intending to do through us and for other people.
One of the things God's talked to me about is to truly place everything before him in prayer. To not just think I have it all under control but to pray over every idea and every event I want to plan not only in my life but in ministry too.
I want to get better about that. I want to hand my life over to him and say "YES, Lord take the wheel." I don't want to learn the hard way when something does not go as planned just to realize it was because I didn't pray about it before hand.
Thank you God for your grace because it get's extended to me and everyone day after day. I pray that you take control of this upcoming women's retreat if that is your will and if not that we may come together and provide something for the ladies to be blessed and hear your word. AMEN!
I really don't need to clothe shop so much for her and I tend to find great deals on clothing for Samuel. I don't focus so much on the latest and greatest on everything because there is hype to most things and at the end of the day I like keeping it simple. You can have a rich life without going in to debt or trying to keep up with other people and what they have. I know that my basic needs will always be met and I am grateful for that each day too.
Speaking to a friend today we shared on how God has stirred BOTH of our hearts on taking things back to the basics. So many times especially when we are involved in ministry and planning we get tied up on the details and we over complicate what God is truly intending to do through us and for other people.
One of the things God's talked to me about is to truly place everything before him in prayer. To not just think I have it all under control but to pray over every idea and every event I want to plan not only in my life but in ministry too.
I want to get better about that. I want to hand my life over to him and say "YES, Lord take the wheel." I don't want to learn the hard way when something does not go as planned just to realize it was because I didn't pray about it before hand.
Thank you God for your grace because it get's extended to me and everyone day after day. I pray that you take control of this upcoming women's retreat if that is your will and if not that we may come together and provide something for the ladies to be blessed and hear your word. AMEN!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
* It could be worse *
This week hasn't gone at all like planned. I'm sure anyone who has ever been alive knows what that's like!
I hurt my leg on Monday (yes while working out) Samara accidentally ate a piece of moldy bread and my grandmother who is 83 had to be hospitalized for a stomach issue.
I wasn't supposed to get hurt at the gym and miss 3 days of working out. How am I supposed to meet my goal if I can't work out? Samara wasn't supposed to throw up 4 times in one night and I wasn't supposed to be doing laundry at 10pm. I was supposed to visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields for the first time tomorrow with my grandmother, but how am I supposed to do that if she is still in the hospital?
I was reminded of something Joyce Meyer said before; "The minute we think we are in control of our lives, we are in BIG trouble."
These words rang true this week for me. I know that sometimes all I can do is thank God because it could be worse than it is and sometimes just throw my hands up not only in surrender but in worship.
I am so blessed! My husband stayed home today to make sure I was okay to care for Samara. He knew my leg has been hurt and he didn't know what kind of day Samara would have today. Thankfully Samara got the bug out of her system and my leg is starting to feel normal again BUT having him home today to help with all the little tasks that can become so difficult was wonderful.
He isn't a man of many words, he doesn't always know the right things to say and he may not always be romantic or lovey dovey BUT he is all around a good man. No a GREAT man. Most importantly an amazing father. The kids have so much fun playing tickle with him.
Today and all days I am thankful, in the midst of not so perfect plans I find perfection in God his Grace and love for my family.
I hurt my leg on Monday (yes while working out) Samara accidentally ate a piece of moldy bread and my grandmother who is 83 had to be hospitalized for a stomach issue.
I wasn't supposed to get hurt at the gym and miss 3 days of working out. How am I supposed to meet my goal if I can't work out? Samara wasn't supposed to throw up 4 times in one night and I wasn't supposed to be doing laundry at 10pm. I was supposed to visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields for the first time tomorrow with my grandmother, but how am I supposed to do that if she is still in the hospital?
I was reminded of something Joyce Meyer said before; "The minute we think we are in control of our lives, we are in BIG trouble."
These words rang true this week for me. I know that sometimes all I can do is thank God because it could be worse than it is and sometimes just throw my hands up not only in surrender but in worship.
I am so blessed! My husband stayed home today to make sure I was okay to care for Samara. He knew my leg has been hurt and he didn't know what kind of day Samara would have today. Thankfully Samara got the bug out of her system and my leg is starting to feel normal again BUT having him home today to help with all the little tasks that can become so difficult was wonderful.
He isn't a man of many words, he doesn't always know the right things to say and he may not always be romantic or lovey dovey BUT he is all around a good man. No a GREAT man. Most importantly an amazing father. The kids have so much fun playing tickle with him.
Today and all days I am thankful, in the midst of not so perfect plans I find perfection in God his Grace and love for my family.
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