It's so easy to get caught up in a conversation that is quickly turned into an argument and then get upset because you have completely misinterpreted what someone is saying or even go as far as making up something you "think" you heard. Aren't we all guilty of that?
I call them amature conversations because to me by a certain age you should be able to have adult conversations without them turning into an argument.
A conversation is open and ALL who are involved are to be responsible in keeping an OPEN ear an OPEN mind, look them in the face and keep a RESPECTFUL tone. By all means I am no conversation expert, however I do like to have them and perhaps even agree to disagree from time to time. I believe everything can be communicated in a respectful way and I hate it when I sound disrespectful or condesending to anyone when I am trying to make a point.
It's harder I think, when you are placed in a position of Leadership because that's a slippery sloap sometimes. To me a good leader listens and acknowledges everyone's opinion then makes a wise choice based on the information given. It doesn't matter if you are a leader at work, in ministry or a leader at home. Telling someone "We are doing this because I say we are." not only diminishes the person as in "their opinion means squat" but also hinders the relationship from growing and for communication to be efficient.
Efficient communication is key to good relationships I believe. We should be able to share our thoughts, concerns and opinions to others. It is critical that we have good communication skills with everyone we do life with. Especially as Christians, I believe we are called to be compasionate and respectful people. IN EVERYTHING! I dont think this means we need to always be agreeable because that's unrealistic, however coming to an agreement as I said earlier even agreeing to disagree is more honorable and a lot healthier than no acknowledgement for anyones thoughts or opinions.
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs 12:15
I don't want to be a fool in my own eyes, I want to respect people and listen to their thoughts and give genuine concern for what they tell me. In ministry, my home and ALL areas of my life.
It's so easy to let one misunderstanding create a wall for communication lines and to wedge strife in a relationship.
I would much rather ask the question "What was that?" "What did you mean by that?"
It's all part of the learning process right?
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