Tuesday, March 20, 2012

* Diaper Free *

It's official! we are now a diaper FREE home! (sort of) we still have Pull-ups for naps and night time and for those super long car rides BUT pretty much we are diaper free.

Samara is doing great and she loves wearing her big girl panties. We started the "official" training this weekend since I was cooped up at home from being sick anyway. She had already been telling me when she had to poop and already had a potty but we hadn't ventured out into the world of panties yet.

I was a bit leery with her at first thinking that she has been difficult with everything THIS may be a big challenge BUT she surprised me at how well she is doing. I am very proud of her and so happy for my wallet.

To celebrate her daddy brought her home a mint from work. (Trust me that is a big deal to her) Her grandmother from Idaho is going to be sending a special gift to her in the mail so she will have another fun treat to look forward to.

On another note, I have 3 baby showers this month and so although I am done buying diapers for MY Kids I am not quite done buying them for the little one's on the way.

BUT it's a joyful day in our home! No more diapers!!

1 comment:

  1. Que alegre ! Ya te están creciendo tus nene , nena.:)
