Monday, March 5, 2012

* Back to Basics *

Samara has been blessed multiple times in the past two years with clothing. It never seizes to amaze me that right when she is getting ready to out grow some of her things, God shows up, uses someone and instantly she has a closet full. I am so grateful for that and for girlfriends who have older little girls.

I really don't need to clothe shop so much for her and I tend to find great deals on clothing for Samuel. I don't focus so much on the latest and greatest on everything because there is hype to most things and at the end of the day I like keeping it simple. You can have a rich life without going in to debt or trying to keep up with other people and what they have. I know that my basic needs will always be met and I am grateful for that each day too.

Speaking to a friend today we shared on how God has stirred BOTH of our hearts on taking things back to the basics. So many times especially when we are involved in ministry and planning we get tied up on the details and we over complicate what God is truly intending to do through us and for other people.

One of the things God's talked to me about is to truly place everything before him in prayer. To not just think I have it all under control but to pray over every idea and every event I want to plan not only in my life but in ministry too.

I want to get better about that. I want to hand my life over to him and say "YES, Lord take the wheel." I don't want to learn the hard way when something does not go as planned just to realize it was because I didn't pray about it before hand.

Thank you God for your grace because it get's extended to me and everyone day after day. I pray that you take control of this upcoming women's retreat if that is your will and if not that we may come together and provide something for the ladies to be blessed and hear your word. AMEN!

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