Although I take the "occasional" walks with the kids I do not have any type of exercise regimen. I know how important it is to stay healthy and keep moving and I know it helps me to have more energy with the kids. Walks aren't really cutting it though, I know it's at least something but if I want to get back into shape and lose some weight I better do more than just that.
So Carlos and I decided we would join a Gym and as we looked around for something that had childcare and was affordable we decided on God's Gym right down the street from us. We joined last Wednesday and I have only been once since then. (sounds bad right?) I have actually been out of town but I'm looking forward to starting the Gym regimen this week.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with a trainer for one hour that will teach me the ropes on weights and everything else I need to know. (Lord knows I need all the help I can get). I am looking forward to the fun classes and maybe taking a few during the week.
The greatest part is that the kids love love the Gym. Yes I said LOVE twice! They absolutely love going because there is tons of things for them to do, stuff that involves physical activity. That makes my heart happy too, knowing they are going to be having fun while I excersise.
My goal? I would like to lose 30lbs. I guess tomorrow it all starts.
I'm ready to get moving are you?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
* The Purpose of it all *
I am currently reading a great book titled "Taking care of the ME in Mommy". This book isn't about becoming selfish and looking for ways to pawn of the kids to have quiet time to myself. It's actually about taking the time to take care of myself; spiritually, emotionally and physically. I love it because it has simple tips on how to incorporate prayer time in all the small daily task that I do. The emphasis of the book is to have special moments through out the day with Jesus. In turn this helps you to become a better mother and a better wife. I couldn't agree more.
Today I read a chapter about Journaling. She talked about why people journal and the actual health benefits to someone who is enduring a lot of hardships and how journaling can help them. It made me think about how much I have always loved to write.
As a little girl I wrote endless short stories just for the fun of it. As I grew older I started to journal and I can say that I have kept a journal since I was about 15 up until now. Last year was the last time I hand wrote in a journal due to some issues with my hands and arms. This year I decided to blog because I can type way faster than I can write anyway and it seems to be a lot easier for me personally.
Anyway, the purpose for me NOW in journaling/blogging is to recall and share special things that God has done in my personal life or with my family. To leave some sort of memories and perhaps even advice for my children to have as they get older. I think it would be cool to have a chance to read some of the thoughts and things that my mom did when she was my age or younger and I think my kids will someday appreciate that I am doing it for them.
I want to be able to record some of the sweet things that the kids do or say so here are just a few that happened just this week.
Samara is on a Sea World kick, our passes will expire soon but there isn't a day that goes bye when she doesn't ask to go there. Earlier today she was setting the table with her play food and dishes as she told me that she was "cooking wunch" also known as Lunch.
Sam is constantly telling me how beautiful I am, he finds little flowers or makes little gifts for me and it fills my heart more than he can imagine. Yesterday he announced that he was going to marry his sister! I explained that we can marry a friend but not family so he stated that Daddy was my friend and my husband. He is right.
He walked around the house today with a tray and some food and announced "Free e-mail's." I looked at him and said "Do you mean free meals?" he said "oh yes Meals". It was cute.
That's it for now but I will try to record more of the cuteness and silliness that makes everything worth while.
Thank you Jesus for the time I have now with the children and for giving me Grace to do the best job I can to encourage them and teach them to be like you.
Today I read a chapter about Journaling. She talked about why people journal and the actual health benefits to someone who is enduring a lot of hardships and how journaling can help them. It made me think about how much I have always loved to write.
As a little girl I wrote endless short stories just for the fun of it. As I grew older I started to journal and I can say that I have kept a journal since I was about 15 up until now. Last year was the last time I hand wrote in a journal due to some issues with my hands and arms. This year I decided to blog because I can type way faster than I can write anyway and it seems to be a lot easier for me personally.
Anyway, the purpose for me NOW in journaling/blogging is to recall and share special things that God has done in my personal life or with my family. To leave some sort of memories and perhaps even advice for my children to have as they get older. I think it would be cool to have a chance to read some of the thoughts and things that my mom did when she was my age or younger and I think my kids will someday appreciate that I am doing it for them.
I want to be able to record some of the sweet things that the kids do or say so here are just a few that happened just this week.
Samara is on a Sea World kick, our passes will expire soon but there isn't a day that goes bye when she doesn't ask to go there. Earlier today she was setting the table with her play food and dishes as she told me that she was "cooking wunch" also known as Lunch.
Sam is constantly telling me how beautiful I am, he finds little flowers or makes little gifts for me and it fills my heart more than he can imagine. Yesterday he announced that he was going to marry his sister! I explained that we can marry a friend but not family so he stated that Daddy was my friend and my husband. He is right.
He walked around the house today with a tray and some food and announced "Free e-mail's." I looked at him and said "Do you mean free meals?" he said "oh yes Meals". It was cute.
That's it for now but I will try to record more of the cuteness and silliness that makes everything worth while.
Thank you Jesus for the time I have now with the children and for giving me Grace to do the best job I can to encourage them and teach them to be like you.
Friday, February 17, 2012
* In with the New *
I was inspired by something so simple yet so powerful yesterday. This happened while I was at my current Bible Study that shall rename "nameless" for its purpose. (more on that when it's complete). Anyway, one of the ladies shared that she felt that she had to give her "BEST" to her husband even when she was simply just going to sleep at night. She decided to get rid of old holey t-shirts and buy nice pajamas to wear. So simple right? yet how many of us go to bed in old t-shirts and nasty sweats? I do! Yes they are comfy but what that lady shared last night opened up my eyes to something so much bigger.
With that I was inspired to do a mini makeover. I'm not into lingerie or stuff like that but I do want to have at least a few sets of matching Pajamas so that I'm not so frumpy looking even when I go to bed. I was also inspired to purchase a complete new bed set for our bedroom since ours is over seven years old and I think we are due for a nicer set.
This is perfect timing because I should be getting my tax return pretty soon and it's a great opportunity to spend just a little bit on something that will mean more in the long run.
My husband does not complain about my comfy t-shirts or sweats BUT I want to make the effort to match at night and have a decent set of pajamas anyway for me AND for him.
I hear the rumbling of a door which means one of my two little one's are awake. Till next time.
With that I was inspired to do a mini makeover. I'm not into lingerie or stuff like that but I do want to have at least a few sets of matching Pajamas so that I'm not so frumpy looking even when I go to bed. I was also inspired to purchase a complete new bed set for our bedroom since ours is over seven years old and I think we are due for a nicer set.
This is perfect timing because I should be getting my tax return pretty soon and it's a great opportunity to spend just a little bit on something that will mean more in the long run.
My husband does not complain about my comfy t-shirts or sweats BUT I want to make the effort to match at night and have a decent set of pajamas anyway for me AND for him.
I hear the rumbling of a door which means one of my two little one's are awake. Till next time.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
* Love is everywhere *

The title of my devotional for this year is "Love Out Loud" by Joyce Meyer. To me, loving out loud means that there are actions happening to show your love. It's like the old saying "actions speak louder than words."
Love out loud to me looks like this; taking time to prepare a special meal for a friend who is sick or just because, writing a note to encourage someone in your family or in your life, stopping long enough to check in with a neighbor and perhaps even taking time out to speak to total strangers.
There isn't anything convenient about LOVING OUT LOUD but as we draw near to God we learn that Loving and Giving aren't to be done out of our own selfish nature and for us not to expect anything in return. It should be a way of life.
How do you start? with your family. Love your family with everything you have, be thoughtful in the things you do for them and treat them with love and respect (yes even when it's tough). Love your friends and be there for them not just in the good times. Most importantly love people! Now that's the doozy right? Love people as in love strangers? YES!
We are of course to be cautious but we are also ordered by God to take the time and show Grace and God's Love to complete strangers. Those hurting; homeless or those in our community.
I know that I have been convicted in my life to serving those people whom I do not know, I can do better at showing Grace and showing God's Love Out Loud.
Happy Valentine's Day.
It's not about just Romance but it's about LOVE. For one another and for God!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
* What's Cream of Tartar? *
I'm really into decorating for certain holidays and I love to put up cute things and especially get the kids in on it. We enjoy doing crafts as it is but it's even funner when I get to use their art work for my decor.
With Valentine's day around the corner the kids and I have been making really cute Valentine crafts and talking about God's love and loving our family and friends and people in general. It has been a perfect opportunity to remind them that we can show love to others in multiple ways ALL year round not just Valentine's day.
Today we had the family over for some dessert and a little Valentine celebration I suppose. I decided to use one of the ideas from my virtual pin board and bake what's called a "Fruit Pizza". Now I'm not big into cooking let alone baking but I thought this recipe looked simple enough that even I could do it.
It called for "cream of tartar". I for the life of me couldn't figure out what that was but I figured I could somehow find it in the baking section anyway. I had envisioned it being something sort of like condensed milk, I mean the word "cream" is very misleading. With no luck at the store I asked a friend of mine what it was and where I could find it. Turns out there is nothing creamy about "cream of tartar" it's just a powder like baking powder or powdered sugar is. Who knew? I sure didn't!
Regardless my fruit pizza turned out to be a hit. I only had to bake the crust for about 12 minutes and the frosting was mainly cream cheese and lemon juice. I used fresh strawberries to decorate the top and I made a heart shape. It looked cute and tasted pretty good.
Not bad for an amateur I suppose. Happy Valentine's Day!!
With Valentine's day around the corner the kids and I have been making really cute Valentine crafts and talking about God's love and loving our family and friends and people in general. It has been a perfect opportunity to remind them that we can show love to others in multiple ways ALL year round not just Valentine's day.
Today we had the family over for some dessert and a little Valentine celebration I suppose. I decided to use one of the ideas from my virtual pin board and bake what's called a "Fruit Pizza". Now I'm not big into cooking let alone baking but I thought this recipe looked simple enough that even I could do it.
It called for "cream of tartar". I for the life of me couldn't figure out what that was but I figured I could somehow find it in the baking section anyway. I had envisioned it being something sort of like condensed milk, I mean the word "cream" is very misleading. With no luck at the store I asked a friend of mine what it was and where I could find it. Turns out there is nothing creamy about "cream of tartar" it's just a powder like baking powder or powdered sugar is. Who knew? I sure didn't!
Regardless my fruit pizza turned out to be a hit. I only had to bake the crust for about 12 minutes and the frosting was mainly cream cheese and lemon juice. I used fresh strawberries to decorate the top and I made a heart shape. It looked cute and tasted pretty good.
Not bad for an amateur I suppose. Happy Valentine's Day!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
* I have a Jedi in the house *
To be honest I don't even know how it is that Samuel got so involved with everything STAR WARS. It began last summer right before he turned 4 and he sort of just morphed into this Star Wars guru. He can name all the characters, good guys and bad guys and he knows more about the story line than I do.
He hasn't seen any of the star wars movies, perhaps a few clips here and there but never the full movie. We don't own them except for one and he has never seen that one either.
The mystery of boys and their Star Wars fascination will forever baffle me I guess. In the meantime because of his love of everything Star Wars, we have allowed him to on occasion watch the cartoon show on t.v. I think it's called Clone Wars or something of a sort.
In addition to that, for Christmas he received a few Star Wars toys to say the least including a Lego Star Wars video game that he loves. He can play one level a day and it equals out to about 30 minutes of video game play. I know I know I probably sound like such a party pooper, but I don't want him to become addicted to video games and I would rather him play with his toys and use his imagination.
This past weekend we took him to see the Star Wars Exhibit at the Discovery Cube. It was very neat because they had props and costumes from some of the different movies. Sam dressed up like a Jedi and he even got to meet Boba Fett. ( I hope that's his name )
Today as a sweet surprise we ran to Target for some very clearance Star Wars toys and got him a Storm Trooper mask for only $4.00. It was the highlight of the day I must say.
I guess no matter how old Star Wars is it will always be cool with the little guys and guess what Sam's birthday party theme will be for this year? yup STAR WARS!!
May the force be with you!
Monday, February 6, 2012
* Can I get a witness? *
Just a few days ago my friend asked me how to politely turn down people constantly approaching her trying to "witness". She apparently gets stopped constantly by people ready to hand her a Watch Tower magazine.
I told her what I do. I usually politely say "I have a Church that I love and I love Jesus with all my heart, I also own a Bible and yes I know what it says I hope you have a wonderful day and God loves you very much." Most of the time they walk away and leave me alone but I rarely encounter them...or so I thought.
This morning my doorbell rang and it was a Jehovah's Witness. I wasn't the one who answered the door my husband did, I don't know what he said but I could see other people walking around in other areas of my neighborhood as I looked through my window.
I immediately thought; What boldness! Boldness because they are walking around a neighborhood knocking on random doors sharing what THEY Believe to be a good message AND they are showing passion about what they believe in.
It made me feel a little guilty because as a Christian I know the truth and I know about God's love and his miracles but am I passionately sharing this wonderful message of hope? am I as bold as these people who do NOT have the truthful message about who Jesus really is?
How many people have they approached who have turned their backs and been rude? how many lost people have they approached that have opened their minds and hearts to hear this distorted message of God? It breaks my heart to think of the people who have been misled BUT it also gives me and admiration for those BOLD enough to share their message no matter what.
What if all of us who call ourselves CHRISTIAN were as passionate as them? what if we were bold enough to even open our mouths up to the people we see on a daily basis who we know that need to hear about JESUS?
I know that I need to do a better job at opening my mouth, I don't ever want to feel like I could have shared God's word with someone but did not do it out of feeling awkward or inadequate.
This morning I was inspired and I prayed for them because in reality they are lost and have been given a false message. I pray that someday they can learn the truth and be just as passionate to share the real story of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. I prayed for wisdom in knowing what to say when I am approached and show God's love to them and be a true "witness".
I told her what I do. I usually politely say "I have a Church that I love and I love Jesus with all my heart, I also own a Bible and yes I know what it says I hope you have a wonderful day and God loves you very much." Most of the time they walk away and leave me alone but I rarely encounter them...or so I thought.
This morning my doorbell rang and it was a Jehovah's Witness. I wasn't the one who answered the door my husband did, I don't know what he said but I could see other people walking around in other areas of my neighborhood as I looked through my window.
I immediately thought; What boldness! Boldness because they are walking around a neighborhood knocking on random doors sharing what THEY Believe to be a good message AND they are showing passion about what they believe in.
It made me feel a little guilty because as a Christian I know the truth and I know about God's love and his miracles but am I passionately sharing this wonderful message of hope? am I as bold as these people who do NOT have the truthful message about who Jesus really is?
How many people have they approached who have turned their backs and been rude? how many lost people have they approached that have opened their minds and hearts to hear this distorted message of God? It breaks my heart to think of the people who have been misled BUT it also gives me and admiration for those BOLD enough to share their message no matter what.
What if all of us who call ourselves CHRISTIAN were as passionate as them? what if we were bold enough to even open our mouths up to the people we see on a daily basis who we know that need to hear about JESUS?
I know that I need to do a better job at opening my mouth, I don't ever want to feel like I could have shared God's word with someone but did not do it out of feeling awkward or inadequate.
This morning I was inspired and I prayed for them because in reality they are lost and have been given a false message. I pray that someday they can learn the truth and be just as passionate to share the real story of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. I prayed for wisdom in knowing what to say when I am approached and show God's love to them and be a true "witness".
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
* Fundraising *
I am always up to help a good cause. Sometimes though I can get myself stuck not being able to say NO! Especially those cute girl scouts and those oh so yummy cookies. I'm always the sucker for the sales people at the door because I over analyze them needing to make the sale for their comission or whatever. I'm thankful that Carlos is tougher than I am when it comes to those types of things or I would end up with lot's of unwanted magazine subscriptions and funky carpet cleaners.
On the other hand, I don't mind being a part of fundraising for something that I know will benefit those less fortunate or help with some sort of research.
Recently I registered to do an MS walk in April. I decided to do the walk because I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with MS, she was a former co-worker of mine and has two little girls. I want to be able to do "something" to help so I joined her team for the walk. I am thrilled that Carlos also agreed to do the walk with me and that it has become a family activity. Our goal is to raise $200 towards MS research. I think we can do it.
I decided that everyone that has a sweet tooth would be willing to shell out a dollar for a cupcake if it's for a good cause. I hope to prove my theory to be accurate since this Sunday I'm doing another fundraiser, this time for Church. Our women's ministry has paired up with Project Hope for this year with the emphasis on helping victims of human trafficking. Project hope helps to aid the ladies who have been victims of this and get them a place to live and to get back on their feet. The most important thing for these ladies though is that they get to hear about Jesus.
On Sunday we are selling about 240 cupcakes all made and donated by different ladies who attend the Church. I hope this was a bright idea on my behalf because all those cupcakes better get sold! I have good faith that they will though, nobody can resist a cupcake right?
On the other hand, I don't mind being a part of fundraising for something that I know will benefit those less fortunate or help with some sort of research.
Recently I registered to do an MS walk in April. I decided to do the walk because I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with MS, she was a former co-worker of mine and has two little girls. I want to be able to do "something" to help so I joined her team for the walk. I am thrilled that Carlos also agreed to do the walk with me and that it has become a family activity. Our goal is to raise $200 towards MS research. I think we can do it.
I decided that everyone that has a sweet tooth would be willing to shell out a dollar for a cupcake if it's for a good cause. I hope to prove my theory to be accurate since this Sunday I'm doing another fundraiser, this time for Church. Our women's ministry has paired up with Project Hope for this year with the emphasis on helping victims of human trafficking. Project hope helps to aid the ladies who have been victims of this and get them a place to live and to get back on their feet. The most important thing for these ladies though is that they get to hear about Jesus.
On Sunday we are selling about 240 cupcakes all made and donated by different ladies who attend the Church. I hope this was a bright idea on my behalf because all those cupcakes better get sold! I have good faith that they will though, nobody can resist a cupcake right?
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