Tuesday, February 21, 2012

* The Purpose of it all *

I am currently reading a great book titled "Taking care of the ME in Mommy". This book isn't about becoming selfish and looking for ways to pawn of the kids to have quiet time to myself. It's actually about taking the time to take care of myself; spiritually, emotionally and physically. I love it because it has simple tips on how to incorporate prayer time in all the small daily task that I do. The emphasis of the book is to have special moments through out the day with Jesus. In turn this helps you to become a better mother and a better wife. I couldn't agree more.

Today I read a chapter about Journaling. She talked about why people journal and the actual health benefits to someone who is enduring a lot of hardships and how journaling can help them. It made me think about how much I have always loved to write.

As a little girl I wrote endless short stories just for the fun of it. As I grew older I started to journal and I can say that I have kept a journal since I was about 15 up until now. Last year was the last time I hand wrote in a journal due to some issues with my hands and arms. This year I decided to blog because I can type way faster than I can write anyway and it seems to be a lot easier for me personally.

Anyway, the purpose for me NOW in journaling/blogging is to recall and share special things that God has done in my personal life or with my family. To leave some sort of memories and perhaps even advice for my children to have as they get older. I think it would be cool to have a chance to read some of the thoughts and things that my mom did when she was my age or younger and I think my kids will someday appreciate that I am doing it for them.

I want to be able to record some of the sweet things that the kids do or say so here are just a few that happened just this week.

Samara is on a Sea World kick, our passes will expire soon but there isn't a day that goes bye when she doesn't ask to go there. Earlier today she was setting the table with her play food and dishes as she told me that she was "cooking wunch" also known as Lunch.

Sam is constantly telling me how beautiful I am, he finds little flowers or makes little gifts for me and it fills my heart more than he can imagine. Yesterday he announced that he was going to marry his sister! I explained that we can marry a friend but not family so he stated that Daddy was my friend and my husband. He is right.

He walked around the house today with a tray and some food and announced "Free e-mail's." I looked at him and said "Do you mean free meals?" he said "oh yes Meals". It was cute.

That's it for now but I will try to record more of the cuteness and silliness that makes everything worth while.

Thank you Jesus for the time I have now with the children and for giving me Grace to do the best job I can to encourage them and teach them to be like you.

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