Thursday, February 9, 2012

* I have a Jedi in the house *

To be honest I don't even know how it is that Samuel got so involved with everything STAR WARS. It began last summer right before he turned 4 and he sort of just morphed into this Star Wars guru. He can name all the characters, good guys and bad guys and he knows more about the story line than I do.

He hasn't seen any of the star wars movies, perhaps a few clips here and there but never the full movie. We don't own them except for one and he has never seen that one either.

The mystery of boys and their Star Wars fascination will forever baffle me I guess. In the meantime because of his love of everything Star Wars, we have allowed him to on occasion watch the cartoon show on t.v. I think it's called Clone Wars or something of a sort.

In addition to that, for Christmas he received a few Star Wars toys to say the least including a Lego Star Wars video game that he loves. He can play one level a day and it equals out to about 30 minutes of video game play. I know I know I probably sound like such a party pooper, but I don't want him to become addicted to video games and I would rather him play with his toys and use his imagination.

This past weekend we took him to see the Star Wars Exhibit at the Discovery Cube. It was very neat because they had props and costumes from some of the different movies. Sam dressed up like a Jedi and he even got to meet Boba Fett. ( I hope that's his name )

Today as a sweet surprise we ran to Target for some very clearance Star Wars toys and got him a Storm Trooper mask for only $4.00. It was the highlight of the day I must say.

I guess no matter how old Star Wars is it will always be cool with the little guys and guess what Sam's birthday party theme will be for this year? yup STAR WARS!!

May the force be with you!

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