Sunday, February 12, 2012

* What's Cream of Tartar? *

I'm really into decorating for certain holidays and I love to put up cute things and especially get the kids in on it. We enjoy doing crafts as it is but it's even funner when I get to use their art work for my decor.

With Valentine's day around the corner the kids and I have been making really cute Valentine crafts and talking about God's love and loving our family and friends and people in general. It has been a perfect opportunity to remind them that we can show love to others in multiple ways ALL year round not just Valentine's day.

Today we had the family over for some dessert and a little Valentine celebration I suppose. I decided to use one of the ideas from my virtual pin board and bake what's called a "Fruit Pizza". Now I'm not big into cooking let alone baking but I thought this recipe looked simple enough that even I could do it.

It called for "cream of tartar". I for the life of me couldn't figure out what that was but I figured I could somehow find it in the baking section anyway. I had envisioned it being something sort of like condensed milk, I mean the word "cream" is very misleading. With no luck at the store I asked a friend of mine what it was and where I could find it. Turns out there is nothing creamy about "cream of tartar" it's just a powder like baking powder or powdered sugar is. Who knew? I sure didn't!

Regardless my fruit pizza turned out to be a hit. I only had to bake the crust for about 12 minutes and the frosting was mainly cream cheese and lemon juice. I used fresh strawberries to decorate the top and I made a heart shape. It looked cute and tasted pretty good.

Not bad for an amateur I suppose. Happy Valentine's Day!!

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