I am always up to help a good cause. Sometimes though I can get myself stuck not being able to say NO! Especially those cute girl scouts and those oh so yummy cookies. I'm always the sucker for the sales people at the door because I over analyze them needing to make the sale for their comission or whatever. I'm thankful that Carlos is tougher than I am when it comes to those types of things or I would end up with lot's of unwanted magazine subscriptions and funky carpet cleaners.
On the other hand, I don't mind being a part of fundraising for something that I know will benefit those less fortunate or help with some sort of research.
Recently I registered to do an MS walk in April. I decided to do the walk because I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with MS, she was a former co-worker of mine and has two little girls. I want to be able to do "something" to help so I joined her team for the walk. I am thrilled that Carlos also agreed to do the walk with me and that it has become a family activity. Our goal is to raise $200 towards MS research. I think we can do it.
I decided that everyone that has a sweet tooth would be willing to shell out a dollar for a cupcake if it's for a good cause. I hope to prove my theory to be accurate since this Sunday I'm doing another fundraiser, this time for Church. Our women's ministry has paired up with Project Hope for this year with the emphasis on helping victims of human trafficking. Project hope helps to aid the ladies who have been victims of this and get them a place to live and to get back on their feet. The most important thing for these ladies though is that they get to hear about Jesus.
On Sunday we are selling about 240 cupcakes all made and donated by different ladies who attend the Church. I hope this was a bright idea on my behalf because all those cupcakes better get sold! I have good faith that they will though, nobody can resist a cupcake right?
We raised $187 towards project hope with the cupcake fundraiser!