Tuesday, September 4, 2012

* 3 *

It is said that your Golden Birthday is the one that you turn your birth date number.  Samara just turned 3 on the 3rd so I guess that was her Golden Birthday.

I would say she had a great one.  We had her "Mulan" themed birthday party on Saturday at my mom's.  I think it was a hit.  Here she is with her Mulan birthday cake.

We had a pink castle Jumper and decorated the whole patio area with Chinese characters that spelled "Happy Birthday" and cherry blossom flowers.

I put a lot of work into making a lot of the decorations due to Mulan not being such a popular princess.  I did enjoy it however for next year I may not do Birthday parties.  Here are a few reasons why:

1.  BOTH of my kids have birthdays that fall during HOT Months.
2.  Parties can be expensive even though I am very creative in making a lot of things and not over doing it on favors and such.
3.  They can be a lot of work planning, decorating and cleaning.

I say this now but I think parties are over!  Samuel would like to visit Lego Land for his 6th birthday next year.  I may do one small one for Samara since Samuel has had parties for 5 years now.

Until next year, I'm party free for a while.