Friday, June 13, 2014

* Happy Birthday MOM *

You haven’t been perfect but nobody in this world has.  Yet Grace rolls off of your shoulders and hands filled with pain at times.  Patient, quiet and waiting you pray and you pray with authority.

Patient, knowing, faithful and trusting in the almighty father knowing the answer is there even though it isn’t always seen.  Yet you remain faithful, you share hope selflessly. 

You encourage, uplift and advise many women, even me and even when I think I have all the answers.

You are faithful and serve whole heartedly.  You serve your husband and family and have open hands sometimes with plenty and sometimes with just enough.

Tired yet joyful, worried but not afraid, hopeful and not defeated.  The message is hope and you share it all the time. 

I’ve learned to pray and pray in all things but not just on my own.  It’s been a glimpse of you praying with me, for me and always so faithful.  It’s been the words you spoke when I thought God had forgotten. 

In pain you have helped me, in sorrow you have prayed for me, in worry you have tried to comfort me.  Those things only a mother can do. 

For that I am grateful.  I see the beauty in the ashes.  I believe in the healing of our hearts and I know God is healer.  This is Grace at its finest.  It is Grace unedited.  It is everyday Grace.  Happy 60 years of life Mom.