Tuesday, December 18, 2012

* Tis the Season *

Our family began a new tradition this year.  We began doing an Advent Bible study that is four weeks long and keeps the meaning of Christmas in true perspective.

We have a word of the week such as; Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.  All which are gifts given to us by Jesus.  Each day we do a different Bible verse and a fun family activity for the week.  It has been a true pleasure sharing this with the kids and making sure that they know Christmas isn't just lights, presents, treats and candy canes.  

In the true spirit of Christmas however, we have had so much fun these past weeks doing things like; making peppermint bark, baking shape cookies and decorating them, having a Christmas party at the park with our friends while we also decorated cookies and made Christmas crafts, visits to the Santa who stops at our "Star" on our street bringing canned goods to needy families, checking out the light show down the street for the 100th time, drinking hot chocolate at home while watching Polar Express, watching Christmas movies almost daily, going to DISNEYLAND while it's all decked out for Christmas and making a ton of crafts here at home.  It is so much fun to share these moments with my kids and hopefully creating in them cherished memories they may pass down to their Children.  Below are a few pictures of what the last two weeks have looked like.

Merry Christmas 2012 from our family to yours and may God's Hope, Love, Joy and Peace reign supreme in your lives!!


The Ortiz Family